Wish you were here at #iWorQ15

Alexa BoseniWorQ News

Today marks the start of #iWorQ15, the annual training conference for public works, community development, and fleet professionals who use iWorQ every day. Nearly 150 people are registered for two days of instruction, including one-on-one training, networking, and teambuilding activities. All iWorQ staff participate in the training, instruction, and conference organization. If you’re a customer who couldn’t join us this year, and you need technical support, please be sure to leave a voicemail or send an email, and we’ll be sure to get back with you as soon as possible. Your patience is appreciated. Be sure to indicate the urgency of your request.

Here’s what you’re missing:

    1. Instruction for all iWorQ applications, including work management, permit management, fleet management, code enforcement, stormwater management, pavement management, and more!
    2. One-on-one training for your applications, including report creation, alert configuration, and template setup.
    3. Food, Food, Food, Food! Aggie ice cream.
    4. Activities highlighting the best of northern Utah, including hiking, golf, a drive to scenic Bear Lake, and go-kart racing.
    5. Networking with professionals who serve their communities just like you do.

For those of you who couldn’t make it this year, start planning your justification to join us next year! We already can’t wait for #iWorQ16.
